Last week, I talked about the futility of pursuing perfect writing. In that case, the difficult part was knowing when to stop. This week, I’d like to talk about the benefits of editing your book and what your work can tell you about itself. Like any advice however, even the best can prove useless if… Continue reading→
Pursuing perfect writing is something I am especially guilty of. Though I may be a repeat offender, I can’t remember ever actually obtaining that perfection. That might be however, because perfect writing isn’t actually a thing.
In-depth World Building is essential to a good story. The deeper and more cohesive the world you build, the more believable the story becomes. What is interesting however, is the unintended effects world building can have on the writing of the story itself.
Self-publishing is far more difficult than people give it credit for being. It is a journey filled with hurdles, and I’m not sure it ever actually ends. It is a lesson in itself, and my experiences writing Gemsong Saga: A Boy Named Zephyr have taught me several invaluable lessons.